Quality of Life
Centrally located for access

- Columbia is 20 minutes from MSA and Tier 2 Shopping and nationally-ranked golf courses
- Variety of local options
- City living or homes with acreage
- 20 minutes to gated, golf and lakeside communities
- 45 minutes to large healthcare hub with nationally known specialists
- 90 minutes to teaching hospitals at Tulane University and Oschner’s in New Orleans and the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.
- Local 49 bed hospital with 6 ICU
- Clinic and hospital network
- Air Ambulance Service

- 45 minutes to large healthcare hub with nationally known specialists
- 90 minutes to teaching hospitals at Tulane University and Oschner’s in New Orleans and the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.
- Local 49 bed hospital with 6 ICU
- Clinic and hospital network
- Air Ambulance Service

Education and Training Resources
- 2 (two) 4-year universities and 3 (three) 2-year community colleges within the 50-mile labor market area. These schools have an enrollment of more than 30,000 students with many programs for workforce preparation.
- Options! County, City, Private
- Strong community support
- Co-op Career and Tech School
Graduation rate
- Columbia School District boasts a 94% graduation rate and Columbia High School was ranked as the 13th best high school in the State by U S News and World Report (2019).
Symphony- University of Southern Mississippi – Renowned Ballet- Jackson, Ballet Magnificat, Hattiesburg, Opera/Theater- University of Southern Mississippi, Mississippi Opera-Jackson; Saenger Theater, New Orleans.
- Regional Library
- Strong Arts Community
- Multiple Events & Festivals
- Multiple Events & Festivals

Symphony- University of Southern Mississippi – Renowned Ballet- Jackson, Ballet Magnificat, Hattiesburg, Opera/Theater- University of Southern Mississippi, Mississippi Opera-Jackson; Saenger Theater, New Orleans.
- Regional Library
- Strong Arts Community
- Multiple Events & Festivals

Sporting & Recreation:
- 90 minutes to Jackson- Triple A Baseball
- 90 minutes to Mississippi Gulf Coast – Beaches, Gaming, Golf
- 90 minutes to New Orleans- Professional Football/Basketball– Just New Orleans!
- Pearl River
- 2 State Park Recreational Lakes and Wildlife Refuge
- City and County Parks

412 Courthouse Square | P. O. Box 272 | Columbia, MS 39429 | P: 601.736.6385 | F: 601.736.6392